Sunday, February 22, 2009

10 working tips!!!

1. Do not get into trouble....

2. Aim the greater heights....

3. Stay focus on your job.....

4. Exercise to mantain good health....

5. Practice team work....

6. Rely on your trusted partner to watch your back...

7. Save for rainy days...

8.Rest and Relax...

9.Always smile when your boss is around...

10. Nothing is impossible....

All the best....

My 2009 life motto is "Its my own responsible to make my self happy"...

1 comment:

cIk iNa said...

wah moto baru..
aku xleh cilok ar ni.

aku pon selalu dgr semenjak dua menjak ni..
its our own responsible of wat we hv to do n to lbeh kurang la.hehe..=)